Birth 20 Jan 1817
Death 02 Oct 1875
George Glaze (1795-1876)
Elizabeth Lee Glaze
Jonathan Glaze, deceased, was born in Wood County, Va., June 22, 1817, and in 1830 came to Ohio, and soon after located in Morgan Township, Scioto County. He married Eva Glaze. To them were born eleven children, but five now living - Rose Ann, wife of Eugene Peck; Irene, wife of W. F. Peck; John W.; Lillie, wife of George Watkins, and William. Cynthia, wife of James Blackburn; Mary wife of C. D. Pearce; Rachel, Rhoda, Malinda and Sarah are deceased.
Mr. Glaze was a member of the United Brethren church. He was very successful in his business operations, and at his death left 850 acres of land. He died Oct. 2, 1875. His wife died Apr. 17, 1881. She was born June 22, 1820. Mr. Glaze was treasurer of Morgan Township twenty-one years. Politically he was a Republican.
John W., son of Jonathan Glaze, was born in 1857, and in November, 1881, married Lena Emery. He owns thirty-five acres of the home farm and 104 acres elsewhere in the township. He and wife are members of the United Brethren church and, like his parents, are interested in all that pertains to Christianity. History of lower Scioto Valley, Ohio. Chicago: Interstate Publishing Co., 1884, 911 pgs.
18 Jan 2015 update